Want to stop losing your time on LinkedIn and start getting leads? This is for you.


1 Power Hour

After 1 hour, you will:
- Have clear goals for your LinkedIn content strategy.
- Have a guideline for turning your profile into a converting landing page.

- Know your content pillars and have a whole month of content ideas planned.

Book now

Ideas to Impact Program

Get life-time access to the Ideas to Impact program and learn how to transform your ideas into impactful content that will help you increase your LinkedIn audience by 25% and get 4 qualified leads monthly in less than 90 days.

The Money Making

LinkedIn Lab ™

You'll become a member of the Writing Warriors community.

I'll help you get leads and growth through LinkedIn so you can start turning words into wealth.


Premium Ghostwriting Services

Remove all your LinkedIn worries.

I'll re-brand your profile, build your content strategy and write your content for you.

You'll only have to connect 1 time per month to get the leads and growth results.


What is the key to getting clients from LinkedIn?

The only key is consistency. No results will come from posting randomly. To see results, you have to build a community, and to do so, you need to consistently post high-value content.

Why should you hire me?

Having a professionally trained copywriter help you write your content on LinkedIn is the fastest way to ensure that it will generate the engagement and relationships you need to build a community that will then generate leads and clients.

How do the premium ghostwriting services work?

After a kick-off meeting where we will define your objective and target, your only job will be to approve, post, and get results. We will take care of building the strategy, the agenda, the posts, the design, and all that is necessary for you to take care of your business without having to think about LinkedIn content anymore.

What if we do not obtain the results we foreseed?

We will track and report the results with a monthly analysis. That way, we can quickly pivot and adapt as necessary if some content is not obtaining the desired results. If we don't get the results we estimated, I'll keep working with you for free until we do.

What are you waiting for?